How to Create the Kingdom Marriage of Your Dreams

Adopt the Christian Marriage Framework I used to attract the husband God designed for me AND cultivate a Christ-centered relationship that flourishes with Kingdom purpose - and even though we faced difficult tests and trials - learn the process we used to help us experience the abundantly rich, God-focused marriage that Christ designed to fulfill desires of our hearts.

BONUS: Prior to this webinar, you'll receive my free Masterclass workbook How To Create the Marriage of Your Dreams Workbook via email, to digitally download.



Learn How To Cultivate a Kingdom Marriage

In this masterclass, I'll share the three essential practices that spiritual women need to cultivate the marriage relationship you've been looking for.

Cultivating Your Feminine        Energy In Christ

Your God-given radiance attracts men, who thrive as a result of your presence. Learn how to calibrate.

Creating Transformational Kingdom Relationships

A Kingdom relationship is destined for both greatness and tests. Understand how to succeed in the face of challenges.

Communicating in Ways that Capture His Heart

How women communicate is different from the way men communicate. Develop competencies in communication with him.


What Other Women Are Saying

  • “If you want more for yourself, this Masterclass will definitely help get you there. When I started…I lacked direction. By separating my life using Erin’s method, this process redirected my ability to truly get a grasp on my full life. I am forever grateful for this process and I will be doing this every year!”

    Maria Antoinette

    Memphis, TN

  • “What surprised me was that after 5 years of marriage at that time to my husband and 3 boys, my husband told me “Yes baby, you’re the center of our home, you bring us JOY!” The men in my immediate circle have shared professions of love for me that they’ve never shared before…I feel so warm and bubbly inside!”

    Nekia A.

    Atlanta, GA

  • “Early 2019, I worked with Erin, and she helped me unlock my desires and manifest goals in my finances, business, marriage, friendships…including the birth of a healthy baby boy, finding my perfect home in Atlanta, improving financially and aligning spiritually. It was pure therapy for my soul.”

    Dayna Bolden

    Atlanta, GA

  • It was funny how things came together for me & my boyfriend. I used to be controlling and he would get so frustrated. Without him knowing what I’ve learned, he brought up how he sees me now as a radiant woman, & it started convicting him & bringing him closer to God. I can see a big difference in him & I truly see with clarity now!

    BRAN B.

    Dallas, TX

  • “When I came in, I was trying to figure out how to find myself again and who was it that God created me to be. Everything that I’ve equipped myself with through the teachings has shown me that I have the freedom in Christ to accomplish anything my heart desires!"


    Atlanta, GA


Erin Marie Waller, MBA 

Erin Marie Waller, MBA, CEO of manifestHERdaily, is a Christian Mentor, Author, Speaker, and Teacher who this platform in 1999to help spiritual women who want MORE learn how to create a personal vision inspired by Christ, design powerful lives so they can experience deep satisfaction, and develop an intimate relationship with God that leads to transformational clarity. Together, we intentionally manifest HER – we keep Christ in the center as that’s the best way to show up daily.

With almost 200,000 YouVersion Bible App subscribers and over 225,000 downloads of her popular I AM Beautiful Wild Free podcast, manifestHERdaily has touched thousands of women around the globe, fostering sisterhood, growth and community and inspiring women to create deeper, more satisfying, spiritual relationships with God.

Erin Marie is a seeker of God, a believer that with God anything is possible, a wife, mother, entrepreneur, author, and speaker who has been featured on ABC, is a Boss Women Media Woman of the Year, and an invited guest speaker at the ESSENCE Music Festival.

She enjoys teaching about the Biblical roots of mindset, meditation, the manifestation of God, and the curating of sacred spaces for rich community —like manifestHERdaily—that provide women with healing, elevation, and JOY. Follow Erin Marie @manifestHERdaily and @bwfwoman on Instagram.


Create the Kingdom Marriage of Your Dreams.